Saturday, September 22, 2007

I lost my phone....

yeah I was a Nokia E61i and this was pretty saddening for me small emotional bit. Anyways, I turned to Nokia again and got this 2005 piece called the 7610. The suggestion was given by me cousin bro belonging to the so called generation Y. They seem to know the almost every bloody thing about the gadgets around. I was running a blog on Microsoft spaces and you can check it here. That is what you might call the LOB(Line Of Business) approach to the Web 2.0 thing happening around. I have not explored the other side, which Microsoft is not ready to Xplore and thought it would be good to put in an effort to get a more 2.0OOeeeyeh approach to blogging here. I am running around the whole of the world looking for the STARTUPS on the web to help me make some money. Yeah, I am a salesman and I'm selling them things to help their endeavor towards getting the OOOZe out of this FAAAAd(sorry about the typo).
It's a Saturday in Gurgaon and I am missing Bangalore. I am missing the mess I had in my room there. That randomness really got some ideas out.
Now, the pic was blore and the video is what is beyond my house at 10:00 PM, on a Saturday. I wonder, what the people are doing???

More to come, stay tuned amigos.

Posted by Digvijay Singh Rathore